Wells Fargo Direct Deposit – Form & Set-up Guide

As people keep looking for easier ways to carry out transactions, lots of innovations are being made. And one of such innovations is the introduction of Wells Fargo Direct Deposit.

So many banks have over the past few years embraced this innovation because it is safe, easy, and really fast. This post will guide you on what Wells Fargo is, how to set up Direct Deposit on Wells Fargo, and answer all your questions on Wells Fargo Direct Deposit. 

What Is Wells Fargo Direct Deposit?


Direct Deposit is a banking service whereby money is automatically deposited into your savings, checking, or prepaid card account without the payer going to the bank. 

With Direct Deposit, your payroll (salary or wages) is automatically paid into your account in line with an agreement with your employer.

What this means is that you would no longer have to receive such payment be it daily, weekly or monthly payment. Rather you receive the payment in your account directly after work. 

Direct Deposit makes use of an Electronic Network called Automated Clearing House (ACH) which allows the deposit between the payer and the payee’s bank to take place. 

ACH currently covers over 2500 banks in the U.S. and is faster than having to use a check. 

Why Should I Use Wells Fargo Direct Deposit?


It’s indeed wise and extremely safe to know the reason for a thing or idea before taking the step to make use of it. In this case, Direct Deposit with Wells Fargo has kept a record of great advantages among which are

  • It erases the chances of theft: in this case, you would have to withdraw much money to the office to pay your workers in which some cash can be stolen. 
  • It erases the idea of losing of check: with Wells Fargo Direct Deposit, you would have to go to the bank to catch a check which could be lost on your way. 
  • It’s is fast: another reason to use Wells Fargo Direct Deposit is that it makes the payment of workers pretty easy to do. 

Now you know why you should use Direct Deposit. What then is the information you should prepare before getting the form? Read on to get the details.

What Information Is Needed For Wells Fargo Direct Deposit?


While thinking of setting up a Direct Deposit on Wells Fargo, you are likely to be thrown into confusion trying to figure out the needed information. It is pertinent that this information is gotten at hand before proceeding. Below is a list of the necessary information for Wells Fargo Direct Deposit. 

  • Your Bank Account Number
  • Your routing number
  • Your account type: this involves putting the type of account you operate such as savings, checking, prepaid, etc. 
  • The name of your bank
  • The name of the account holder is your name in case you are setting it up for yourself. However, if the Direct Deposit is being set up for someone else, you will have to put that person’s name. 

How Do I Find My Direct Deposit Information For Wells Fargo?


To get the information for Direct Deposit for your Wells Fargo account, you would have to contact Wells Fargo online. You can also get the information by calling the Wells Fargo phone number as displayed on the website. The phone number is 1-800-869-3557. 

The routing number and account number can be found on the document given to you when you opened your account. 

You can also find the account number on your monthly statement. 

How To Set Up Direct Deposit Wells Fargo


Setting up Direct Deposit is quite easy and extremely necessary because it is convenient and fast. So if your employer accepts or offers a Direct Deposit, you can then set up direct deposit using the steps below

Step 1

This involves filling the Direct Deposit Form. This form can be obtained in three ways. 

    • From Wells Fargo Online. Sign in to get Direct Deposit. This will create a customized form. Select your account and all your information will be automatically imputed. 
    • PDF download: this involves downloading a Wells Fargo Direct Deposit form which is blank and Filling in all information yourself. There are diagrams and inscriptions on the form to direct you on what to do. 
  • From Your Employer: Some companies, organizations, and firms have copies of the Wells Fargo Direct Deposit Form at their offices. All you need to do is to get one, fill it up and submit it to your employer who will help you process it. 

Step 2

The next thing to do if you are using the first two options above is to proceed to print the form and take it to your employer. 

Step 3

Go to your bank and sign up for alerts. This is to help you monitor the account. In other words, if any payment is made into your account, you can easily be aware. 

When Does Direct Deposit Hit Wells Fargo?


Wells Fargo’s Direct Deposit Hit on the same day the payment was made if it’s a business day. However, if it’s not a business day, payment will show up on the next business day. For Direct Deposit from the government, you would receive payment from the second Wednesday of the month.

Payment from the government usually hits on Wednesdays apart from the first Wednesday. Customers, however, experience payment not going through or not showing up. Read on to know why and how to resolve it. 

Wells Fargo Direct Deposit Not Showing Up? See Reasons


I have heard of Wells Fargo customers who are sometimes frustrated when Direct Deposits are not showing up or do not go through at all. The reasons for this are not far-fetched. Hence the next paragraph got you covered. 

  • When Direct Deposits do not show up, it is most likely that the deposit has not yet been posted. 
  • Posting Error: Error in posting occurs when the deposit to a different account. That may be an account that you do not have online access to. 
  • Another reason for the deposit not going through or showing up could be that the deposit was made after the Wells Fargo cut-off time which is usually 9 pm. Hence any deposit made after that time would not be credited till the next business day. 
  • New customers are likely to experience a delay in receiving their deposit because the banks will need to process all details first. 
  • The last reason which I would mention although not common is insufficient funds on the part of the payer. When an employer does not have enough funds in his account, the Direct Deposit would not go through. 

How To Resolve Direct Deposit Not Showing Up


To resolve Direct Deposit not going through or any other issue regarding Direct Deposit, call the bank to lay your complaints and also confirm from your employee if the payment was made. 



In summary, Wells Fargo Direct Deposit has come to stay as an easy way out of making payments. It is easy to use and extremely convenient.

All you have to do is to set up Direct Deposit by filling a form that can be in a hard copy or PDF format. If you have any complaints about using Wells Fargo Direct Deposit, I am glad the article has explained how it can be resolved.