How To Install Telegram On iPhone, Android, iOS & Laptop

Are you finding it difficult to Install telegram messenger App? If yes, please don’t worry, I will show you how to install Telegram on iPhone, android, iOS & laptop without facing any challenges. Recently, we discovered that’ so many people are having issues Installing telegram on their devices. If you fall in this category, just chill” it’s now a thing of past.

With step by step guide, I will show you how to easily install telegram in any android, PC, iPhone and iOS. It doesn’t cost anything, the issues you might be facing whenever you want to install telegram App might be as a result of insufficient storage space or poor Network coverage. However, there are few steps to follow and Install this App” without encountering any challenges.

Before I proceed to disclosing steps to follow and Install telegram messenger app after downloading, I will briefly tell you few things you probably don’t know about telegram. Don’t be in a hurry to read and leave, get the information first.

What Is Telegram App ?


Telegram is one of the best and fastest messenger app with over eight million users all over the world. It’s just like WhatsApp and Facebook messenger, but I can practically tell you that’ telegram is incomparable when it comes to fast message delivery.

It’s super fast and secured. Telegram messenger App comes with a lot of amazing features, just like WhatsApp. You can use it for video call, voice note, sharing of pictures and videos without any breakdown. It works perfectly on Android, iPhone, iOS, Mac etc.

Telegram messenger App provides end-to-end encrypted message, so all your activiaties over the application is secured. One of the outstanding features of telegram’ that I like so much is the group chat. You can have thousands of people in your group chat, unlike WhatsApp that’s caped at 270. Well, you will discover more when you finally download and install the app using the below guidelines

How Much MB Do I Need To Download Telegram Messenger App?


You only need 18mb to download this messenger App. However, the fasted way to download the app is through wi-fi, as it will make it faster.

Without saying much, I will proceed to sharing information on how to install the messenger app in any device. All you have to do right now, is to follow instructions properly.

How To Install Telegram On Android Phone


Installing telegram messenger app on Android phone is not difficult, you may be finding it very difficult, probably as a result of poor network coverage or insufficient space. The only thing you might find complicated is how to sign up for an account, which I will teach you here and now. Kindly read along;

  • Go to
  • Search for Telegram App
  • Click on it, and allow to download 100%
  • After that, Install and proceed to signing up.
  • How To Install Telegram On iPhone, Android, iOS & Laptop
  • Enter your Real Phone number
  • Choose a suitable “Username
  • Enter a verification code that will be be send to the phone number you provided.
  • That’s all, you’re go to go.

I hope you have Installed the app already? Slowly go through the article again, if you find anything complicated. However, if you check the screenshot above” it shows “update”. That’s because, I already have the app on my android phone. So you too can install and start using the free messenger app instantly.

How To Install Telegram On iPhone – iOS


If you’re an iPhone, iPad user, just relax your mind, you can as well download and install telegram on your phone. The app is also meant for those using apple phones, as matter of fact” it works perfectly for everyone. All you have to do right now, is to follow the instructions below to download and install telegram on your iPad, iPod, iPhone etc.

  • Go to Apple Store and search for Telegram App.
  • Or visit Telegram Website and download the app for iPhone.
  • Install and proceed to signing up.
  • Enter your phone number
  • Choose your username
  • Enter the verification code send to you as sms via the phone number you provided.
  • Congratulations, you have joined telegram” enjoy instant messaging.

Definitely you get the information, and I hope you have Installed telegram App on your iPhone? Ohh yes, feel free to go through the instructions again.

How To Install Telegram On Laptop – Windows


A lot of people are desperately asking, if it’s possible to use telegram messenger app on PC? Or how they can download messenger app on PC/Mac. Well, it’s very possible, infact it’s not difficult. Let me quickly show you how to install it in your PC right now. Just calm down and read, make sure you follow instructions properly;

  • Visit, which is their official website.
  • Search for your PC telegram version.
  • Download and Install it.
  • Sign Up by using the above methods. Which requires’ phone number and username.
  • That’s all, enjoy.

Remember what I said, find your windows version when you visit their website. Make use you have space and a good network, otherwise use wifi.



At this junction I will be wrapping up the content and I strongly believe that’ you have learnt how to install Telegram on iPhone, android, iOS & laptop.

Feel free to use the comment box below to share your experience and also don’t forget to share with friends on social media.