How To Tell If Your Cell Phone Is Being Tracked, Tapped Or Monitored By Spy Software

Do you want to know how to tell if your cell phone is being tracked, tapped or monitored by spy software? If yes, then’ count yourself very lucky to stumble on our website today. With step by step guide, I will teach you how to Know if your phone is tapped, tracked or being monitored with a software.

It’s now obvious that someone can actually use a spyware to monitor all your phone call, text messages, social media chats, and even view apps and your gallery without your consent. At first, it seems impossible” but a lot of people are currently facing this annoying issue right now.

Spying on your cell phone with software, so as to know every single move you made, as your location will be tracked too. This usually occur when someone wants to monitor his or her partner. However, putting an end to it’ isn’t something impossible.

Excluding from using spy app or software, there are other means to monitor your cell phone without your consent. That’s why you’re advised to be security consious, to avoid being a victim.

Finding out if your cell phone is being tracked, monitored or tapped by spyware isn’t enough. I will also show you how to stop someone from monitoring or tracking your cell phone. However, I will first of all list of some of the signs that signifies that someone is remotely spying on your phone with a powerful software. Carefully read them below and try as much as you can to secure your phone.

How To Tell If Your Cell Phone Is Being Tracked, Tapped Or Monitored By Spy Software


Whenever you notice any of these unusual behaviors from your Phone, just have it in mind that’ someone is remotely using spy software to monitor your cell phone.

1. Wired Website Activity


You will start seeing unknown or website you didn’t visit popping up on your phone home screen. This is probably the software website, which has been connected to get all data from your phone. So, you have to be watchful and know when sites you didn’t visit or subscribe for is showing up on your phone screen.

2. Phone Battery drinning So Fast


One of the ways to tell if cell phone is tapped, tracked or being monitored is that’ the battery will keep drinning after charging it.

This is obviously because, another person is partially using your phone with you. As the data will be running on both devices.

3. Random Apps Installing By Itself

You will discover that’ random Apps will start appearing on your phone without I them by yourself.

Though some powerful spy software do almost everything remotely, but you will definitely know that’ unusual activiaties is going to with your cell phone.

How To Stop Someone From Spying On Your Cell Phone


There are so many ways to stop someone from spying on your cell phone. However, we have listed out the best among all here, you have to follow instructions properly.

  • Go to Google play store.
  • Search for Sypware Dictator App.
  • Download and Install The App
  • Open and run it up

This app help to tell if cell phone is being tracked, tapped or monitored by anyone. Not only that, it also help to eliminate or stop the intruder from spying on your phone.



At this point, I will drop my pen’ hoping that you have seen how to tell if your cell phone is being tracked, tapped or monitored by spy software. Hopefully you find this article very helpful too. Please feel free to ask questions if you have and also share with friends on social media.