What Is AppCloud? And How To Use It ( Everything You Need To Know)

Definitely you’re among those asking “What is AppCloud used for? How to stop app cloud Samsung download, How to disable AppCloud etc. Well, this article explained what AppCloud is, how to use it on your device and also” how to stop it from running or downloading. Let’s quickly get started;

The advancement in technology have brought about remarkable development in all spheres of life. But most times, we are always oblivious of the new development in technology due to lack of information.

If you have computer device and you are not  aware of Appcloud, you have missed a lot because Appcloud is one of the best ways you can utilize your computer device judiciously. Just as I said earlier, in this article, I have written down everything you need to know about  AppCloud, and what’s it’s use for.

There are lots of things you need to know about AppCloud like What AppCloud Is Used For? Not only that, I will also teach you How To Open The Cloud App. Stay tuned as we do it together.

What Is AppCloud?


Before we proceed on the working Principle of AppCloud, it would be better if you know meaning of AppCloud.

AppCloud in simple terms is just the collection of related apps and build them up in one app. That’s sounds strange right? Relax, let me throw more light on it.

AppCloud is a virtualized app platform that stays in the public cloud, which is managed by ActiveVideo. Hence, it supports any partner that already have developed and deployed Android Package (APK).It is a platform that allows you create a cloud-based Information Technology (IT) governance framework that gives you access to app’s functionality that’s runs through a browser or native of android using APIs.

For instance, AppCloud from from frequently viewed movies gives operators and Over The Top(OTT) providers an entirely novel way to deliver Over The Top content apps to Television. It is interesting to note that an AppCloud is usually in the public cloud and delivers computer apps from a virtualized android platform which helps you to receive same signal in almost all the linked device through interfacing with a light-weight device client that works on any Graphic Processing Unit (GPU)-enabled IP across all network, to any device.

How Does AppCloud Work?


Now that you know what AppCloud is all about, let me now take you through the modus operandi or working principle of AppCloud.


AppCloud allows operators to install any Over The Top (OTT) app once, hence, it delivers to all devices in their ecosystem, irrespective of device operating system or version. With this now, it has broken the cycle of continually matching hardware capabilities to rapid software advances.

Step-By-Step Working Principle Of AppCloud


Step 1. AppCloud lives in the public cloud

Step 2. It delivers apps that run in a virtualized Android Open Source Project (AOSP) environment

Step3. AppCloud delivers direct to next-gen devices and no premise equipment is needed

Step 4. All Digital Right Management (DRM) and Over The Top (OTT) video content that are delivered encrypted are linked directly to the device

Step 5. Legacy devices is also served as needed, with AppCloud Connect

Step 6. AppCloud is hosted in the public cloud, hence, it is managed and operated by ActiveVideo. 

Step 7. It should be noted that Over The Top (OTT) apps run in a virtualized Android Open Source Project (AOSP) environment in their native form which is either Android Package (APK) or Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).  


  1. The Internet Protocol (IP) set-top devices are designed such that they support any environment such as Android or RDK, hence, operators can combine existing user experience implementations.
  1. It is also pertinent to note that AppCloud works over any internet protocol network like Wi-Fi, and more interestingly a 5-Generation network. While most apps run virtually in the cloud, hence, pressure comes off the device Graphics Processing Unit(GPU) and memory, thereby reducing costs which would invariably extend the device life as applications become cost effective.

Advantages Of Cloud Apps On Android


Even without being told, having gone through the meaning and working Principles of AppCloud, you will agree with me that the importance and advantages of AppCloud cannot be over-emphasized. Most interestingly, technology has made this possible with the help of 4th and 5th generation networks.

It would be recalled that in the past decades when there were no advanced networks like 4G and 5G networks, it was practically impossible for AppCloud to work kudos to cyber experts who made these networks a reality.

In the early days of the internet before the 4G or 5G internet, it was pretty impossible to maintain a cloud application. Most of these apps require a stable internet connection of multiple megabits per second, which is impossible to get on previous networks.

Below Are The Advantages Of AppCloud


  • They are cost-effective
  • They are secured by design
  • They are easily scalable

What Is AppCloud Used For?


Having known what AppCloud is all about and its mode of operation, the next question to answer is what Is AppCloud Used For? If you are among the people that have been asking that question. Below is the answer to it.

  1. AppCloud paves a new way for OTT content providers to deliver their apps to television.
  2. As a virtualized platform that lives in the public cloud, it allows any partner that has deployed and developed Android Package to access it.

Is AppCloud A Bloatware?


No, Appcloud is not a bloatware . Rather bloatware is installed using an in-built device from Samsung known as App cloud. You also need to know that disabling this app from the settings menu may prevent bloatware from auto-installing but one of the challenges that is associated with this method is that it may automatically enable itself once a software is updated.

How Do I Open The Cloud App?


This question is apt since the importance of cloud apps cannot be over-emphasized,  you don’t need to be left behind and that is why you need to glow with new trends. Hence, you need to  know how to open the AppCloud. Below are the easiest and simplest guide to open AppCloud

  • Navigate to Creative Cloud desktop app
  • Tap on the Creative Cloud desktop app for it to open
  • Click on the icon in your Windows taskbar 
  • Move to the Apps panel
  • Search for  the app you want to open. 
  • And finally, tap on open.

The Best Cloud Storage Services And Apps For Android


I know that by know you would be having  the burning desire to know the Best Cloud Storage Services and guess what? Just look below and select anyone that suit your choice.

  • Amazon Drive
  • Autosync
  • Box
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • MEGA
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Nextcloud

How To Stop AppCloud From Downloading 


After installing this app and you feel like you don’t need it again, all you have to do is:

  • Go to Settings
  • Navigate to Apps.
  • Look for the cloud app 
  • Click on the “Disable” button at the bottom of your phone screen
  • Click on the button named “desktop button” in the confirmation dialog

If you follow the above mentioned steps succinctly, you would successfully uninstall cloud apps.

How To Stop Getting Appcloud Notifications


It is always annoying to get unnecessary notifications from apps, if you are tired of AppCloud notifications, do this:

  • Go to settings
  • Navigate to general
  • Search for cloud apps 
  • Move to show system 
  • Search for smartshare.cloud 
  • Select notifications
  • Tap on block. 

Done! And you won’t have notifications from Appcloud again.