
TCF Bank Phone Number ( TCF Customer Service Number)

While going through the internet, I discover that so many people just like you are fussed out and frustrated with certain issues with their TCF bank account and are therefore searching for the TCF bank phone number. 

Don’t get yourself worked up with any further search as this article is here to show you the right TCF phone number to call. Not just that, it also contains the steps to navigate to a human. Irresistible right? Common and read with me. 

TCF bank, which was first established in the 19th century, is one of the oldest banks in the United States. It was a financial subsidiary of the TCF financial corporation but has since grown to become a full ledge bank. It was merged with Huntington bank in 2021. And its headquarters is in Detroit. 

Just like other banks and financial institutions, there are times when customers would want to contact the bank for some reason but do not know the TCF bank phone number to call. Stemming from this, we decided to write this post to make it easy to get the TCF phone number to resolve the problem. So sit back and digest all that this article has in stock for you. 

Does TCF Bank Have Phone Number?


We will begin the discussion by clearly stating that YES, TCF bank has a phone number. This is needed to help get the complaints and issues of every customer and ensure better customer satisfaction. 


This is because, with the TCF phone number, customers can easily reach out to the bank to make inquiries about their offers and services and also give feedback on certain activities. 

Lastly, the TCF phone number was made available to enable customers to report strange activities going on with their accounts, especially in cases of theft or loss of debit cards. Join me to see some of the reasons why customers call the TCF phone number below. 

Reasons Customers Call TCF Bank Phone Number


Quickly, I will highlight some of the reasons why customers often call the TCF phone number as seen on the internet. They are as follows. 

  • What do I need to make an electronic transfer of funds possible outside the US? 
  • I transferred funds but it hasn’t been received for a long time. 
  • Why am I unable to transfer funds from my TCF account?
  • How do I cash a check for my friend? 
  • How can I stop autopay for a mortgage? 
  • I want to know the Routing number for my TCF account. 

These and more are the reasons why people contact the TCF phone number. Sometimes people come across different phone numbers of TCF and do not know if TCF has more than one phone number. This will be clarified in the next paragraph. 

How Many Phone Numbers Does TCF Bank Have?


So if you are a little confused about the TCF phone numbers you’ve come across and want to know how many numbers the bank has, then read this carefully. 

TCF has more than one phone number and each is meant to attend to different issues at different times. So the number to call depends on the issue that you want to report or that needs attention. 

Despite the phone numbers being many, two TCF phone numbers are usually described as the best because it is easy to navigate to a representative through them. And the customer representatives employees from Minnesota, Illinois, South Dakota, etc. 

How Can I Find TCF Bank Customer Service Number?


There are several ways to find the TCF phone numbers. However, the best way is to search the official TCF website @

You can also get the TCF bank phone number by searching the internet and reading articles such as this. 

And lastly, contact TCF via email or their social media handle for the phone number. I will discuss more this at the end of the article. So read to the end. 

What Is TCF Bank Phone Number? 


Here we are going to show you the various TCF phone numbers and tell you the best customer service phone number to call in the following lines. 

  • (800) 480-2265 – toll-free number. 
  • (800) 340-4165 for credit card
  • (800) 372-7725 for credit card payment assistance. 
  • 800-823-2265
  • 800-823-5363
  • 866-218-0520

These are some of the TCF phone numbers to contact. 

TCF Phone Number


In the section above, 5 TCF phone numbers were stated. I want to assure you however that there are 2 amongst them that are considered the best TCF phone numbers. This is because it is easy to get to an agent when these lines are called. So let’s see them. 

Customers have rated 800-823-2265 as the best TCF toll-free number. The second or next best toll-free number to call is 800-823-5363

Note that this rating was done by TCF customers and therefore not our rating. 

Steps To Navigate To A Human/Agent


It is commonly said that time is precious and as such, no one wants to spend hours or many minutes trying to navigate through to a real customer service agent when the TCF bank phone numbers are called. 

To get a human representative otherwise termed a real agent, call any of the best TCF phone numbers listed above and take these steps. 

  • Dial any of the two numbers. 
  • Press 1
  • Press 1 again. 

When Can You Call The TCF Bank Phone Number?


The TCF Bank phone numbers can not be called every time if you want a response. There are service hours in which you are allowed to call those numbers. The service hours are Mondays to Fridays 7 am to 5 pm EST. Then on Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm EST. 

Other Ways To Contact The TCF Customer Service


Does TCF Bank Offer Live Chat?


No, TCF Bank does not offer live WhatsApp or internet chat now. That may be included in the future. So while that is not available, make use of the phone number, website, app, or visit a TCF bank for inquiries and complaints. 



So far we’ve divulged the issue of the TCF bank phone number. We saw the various numbers of the bank and the best numbers to call. I also showed you how to navigate to a real agent to get your issues and inquiries answered.

If you need more ways to contact the bank outside the TCF phone numbers, you can reach them through other means highlighted in the post. 
