How To Turn Off Read Receipts On Any Samsung Galaxy Phone

This blog post will properly guilde you on, how to turn off read receipts on any Samsung Galaxy phone.  Read receipts is a default Samsung feature that tell when a text messages has been read. This feature will automatically notify the sender, that you have received the text message and also read it.

However, this can only be possible if the receiver enabled read receipts feature in his or her phone. So, it’s 100% possible to turn off read receipts on Samsung Galaxy” so that, those who sends text messages to you’ won’t be notify that you have seen or read the text.

A lot of people using Samsung Galaxy are obviously unaware of how to use so many features. Who could believe that sms sent to you has notified the sender that you have seen and read it?

Well, so many Samsung Galaxy users obviously don’t like this feature. Just like me, it can easily implicate someone” more especially when someone you don’t want to talk to send you a text messages.

If the person get a notification that you have seen his or her text message” but decided to ignore it. Well, it’s so annoying. But since it’s not something impossible to turn off, then it’s quite a good news.

Anyways, this tutorial works perfectly in any Samsung Galaxy phone. And after applying this method, no one can be able to receive notifications that you have read his or her text messages.

How To Turn Off Read Receipts On Any Samsung Galaxy Phone


Are you sure you really want to do this? Well, you can decide to turn it on in future. Let’s get started, follow the guidelines below;

  • Go to your Samsung Galaxy Messaging App.
  • Navigate the Three Dots To Open The Pop-up Menu.
  • Click “Settings”.
  • Follow the messages settings, Click “More Settings“.
  • Then again, Click “Text Messages“.
  • Now, turn off  “Delivery Reports” by swiping the button to the left.
  • Navigate the Back button and go back to the previous screen.
  • Click on “Multimedia Messages“.
  • Then turn off “Delivery Reports” by swiping the button to the left.
  • Also turn off “Read receipts” with the same method.

That’s all, after performing the above action” no one will ever receive a delivery notification that you have seen and read his or her text messages from you Samsung Galaxy phone.



At this point, I will be wrapping up the content on how to turn off read receipts on any Samsung Galaxy phone. Hopefully you have been able to turn off message delivery reports on your Samsung Galaxy Phone? Feel free to use the comment box below to give us feedback.

If you have any question on how to to use any feature on your phone, please do not hesitate to ask” we will definitely give you feedback.