How To Listen To Your Girlfriend Calls Without Touching Her Phone

If you’re searching for how to listen to your girlfriend calls without touching her phone, then’ this post will be very helpful to you. We have provided you with a very informative content on how to get all information about your girlfriend mobile phone. So, this article will teach you how to monitor all your girlfriend chats on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram & other social media platforms” without touching her phone.

It sounds impossible right? Well, the good news is that it’s 100% possible. Remember we are in the 21st century, technology is going more advance on daily basis. So, it’s very easy to monitor your girlfriend or wife conversations without touching her phone or her knowing that you are monitoring her calls and chat.

How To Listen To Your Girlfriend Calls Without Touching Her Phone

Did you notice changes in your girlfriend’s attitude? And you’re suspecting she might be having an affair with another guy right? Relax your mind. Do not confront her yet, infact’ you don’t need to confront her, NO’ it’s not necessary. This thespycode Premium App will do the job for you. At least you need a clear evidence before taking any step okay? Cool ?

Let’s just be sincere here, it’s becoming too difficult to find a faithful girlfriend this days, I can’t just tell what’s going on with them. Though the faithful ones are, but they are rare, anyways’ all thanks to Allah for this wonderful App that allows you to listen to your girlfriend calls without touching her phone.

At least, it will be very easy to catch a cheating girlfriend on phone” without her concent. Don’t allow anyone to take you for granted, if the  doesn’t like you? She should stop pretending to.

How To Listen To Your Girlfriend Calls Without Touching Her Phone


Remember what I told you earlier, monitoring all your girlfriend’s calls and chats is very possible and can be done with thespycode Premium App. But you can’t download the App for free. It’s a premium App and requires a one-time payment of $215. No renewal, no monthly charges after purchasing” you enjoy until you feel like deleting it.

For you to purchase thespycode Premium App, so as to listen to your girlfriend calls without touching her phone” kindly contact the developer via the email or WhatsApp chat.


Chat me on WhatsApp, CLICK HERE

NOTE: We also have a free code to dail and listen to all your girlfriend calls, but this code requires you to touch her phone. You must use her phone to dial the number, so that it will work. If you can’t afford this premium App, then consider using this touching of phone method.

Now, let me quickly guide you on how to monitor your girlfriend calls with this code I’m talking about. But if you can purchase thespycode Premium App? Then, I don’t think it’s necessary reading further. But those who can’t, should see another alternative below;

Code To Listen To Your Girlfriend Calls

The code to listen to your girlfriend or wife call is **06*Your Number#. For more details please see the example below;

  • Get your girlfriend’s phone,or anyone at all you want to monitor” you can tell the person to give you, that you want to use it and call someone.
  • When you must have gotten it, kindly dial;
  • **06*09038999999# and send it.
  • The number ( 09038999999) should be your number okay?
  • After that? Relax and see the magic
  • That’s all.

NOTE: If your girlfriend phone ring, it will reflect on your phone” yours will ring as well. Just allow your girlfriend to pick it up from her end, because if you do? The call will end. That means, you won’t be able to hear their conversation, then you will have to wait until her phone ring again.

It’s very simple, if her phone is ringing” it will reflect on your phone. Then, just take your phone and listing to their conversation, you don’t need to pick it. Once your girlfriend pick it from her end, you will start hearing their conversation.


Hopefully you have seen how to listen to your girlfriend calls without touching her phone and also, how to monitor her calls by tapping her phone. Just have it in mind that you can’t possibly get a free software or App to listen to your girlfriend or wife calls without touching their phones. Some will require you to renew it every month, and might not work very well.

I will just advice you to purchase thespycode Premium App with $250 for lifetime and enjoy monitoring anyone’s call, chats without touching their phones. And the person will never know that you’re are listening or seeing his or her chats.

Please if you have further questions or need more details on how to make payment and purchase the App at ones, kindly use the details above. Or use the comment section below to reach out to us.

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