How To Bypass Twitter Age Restriction In 2023

Few days ago, we discovered that’ underage Twitter users are desperately searching for how to bypass Twitter age restriction. It seems pretty hard, but not impossible to bypass. Hence, you have to read this tutorial carefully and follow instructions as stated here.

Recently, Twitter stated that it will begin displaying a banner on suspended or restricted profiles. We can thus assist you if you have seen a banner like that or if Twitter has locked or suspended your account. We will go through different ways to fix the problem in this article.

Does Twitter have an age restriction?


The answer is yes, there is an age restriction for users on Twitter. You are not permitted to use Twitter if you are under 13 years old. 

Twitter locks your account by default if your date of birth indicates that you were under 13 at the time your account was established. 

How to unlock the Twitter account age restriction?


Follow the steps below to file an appeal with Twitter Support to remove the age restriction from your Twitter account.

How To Bypass Twitter Age Restriction

  • Go to the Twitter Help Center. 
  • To remove the age limit from your Twitter account, send an email to Twitter Support. 
  • Select Locked and Suspend account problems. 
  • To submit this request, you must first log into your suspended or locked account. 
  • As stated below, you will have many choices for unlocking your account. 
  • Remove the age limit on your Twitter account. 

Many users have observed that selecting “I entered my date of birth wrongly” is preferable to selecting “I made the account before I was 13, but I am now 13 or older.” This is because the first choice allows them to unlock their account more quickly.  The latter choice also results in the deletion of tweets sent before the age of 13. 

Complete the form. You must supply an ID showing that you were 13 or older when you established the account. You may preserve your parent’s, elder sibling’s, or older friend’s identification. 

Use the name of the person whose ID you used in the “Your complete name” area. 

Check that you have access to the email address specified in the form. This allows you to stay up to date on any new information about your account. 

Note: If you are hesitant to upload personal information, you can delete any unneeded elements on the ID (e.g. home address) that aren’t required for Twitter to remove the age limit.

What if you didn’t get any reply from Twitter Support?


You won’t often receive a response from Twitter support. You could occasionally just get an automatic answer. But if you use these strategies, your chances of success will increase. 

  1. You can receive a fresh case number and avoid the standard answer of a duplicate appeal by using various emails in your appeal forms. 
  2. Waiting a few days before filing a fresh appeal using the same email address might occasionally assist you to generate a fresh appeal with a new case number. 
  3. Try to make your justifications for not breaking any of Twitter’s rules stronger in your appeal. Remember to include your age. 
  4. Keep appealing.

How long does it take for Twitter to unlock your account for age restriction?


Users report waiting for anything from a few minutes and many weeks to get their account enabled. 

You’ll be notified through email and Twitter when your account is ready at the end of the process, which might take up to 72 hours.

Also keep in mind that when your account becomes available for restoration, you will have 30 days to go forward before you lose the ability to do so.

How can I see restricted content on Twitter without an account?


On Twitter, the search box at the top of the Explore tab is really helpful and functional even if you don’t have an account. To view recommendations, enter a username, a subject, or anything else. Any terms you input on Twitter will display news and accounts that match them.

Will I lose my followers after unlocking my account?


You will not lose your followers if you restore your account. When accounts are unlocked, the follower and following numbers might take up to 24 hours to restore to normal. 

Other information, such as your handle, contact information, date of birth, individuals you follow, and those who follow you, will not be compromised. 

The following information is erased from your account: 

  • Tweets you sent before the age of 13 
  • Likes you gave before the age of 13. 
  • Direct Messages sent and received before the age of 13. 
  • Other than your handle and date of birth, there are no profile details. 
  • You saved moments, lists, and collections.

What to do if nothing works out?


You can delete your previous account and open a new one if nothing else works properly. 

However, there is still a risk that Twitter will discover that the same individual established both accounts, leading to the suspension of both of them. Follow the instructions below to stop the new account from being banned as well. 

  1. Refrain from utilizing a mobile device to register for a new Twitter account. Utilize the web browser on your computer instead, and be sure to use a VPN to access the internet. Internet browsers are not within Twitter’s control. However, the software you install on your devices is their property. One of them is Tweetdeck.
  2. Ensure that the browser is safe and always clears its cache and cookies. Google Chrome is a bad option since it monitors social media activities. 
  3. Perform a factory reset on your phone if you must use it to access Twitter. You ought to utilize a VPN on this device when you download the Twitter app. 
  4. Regardless, turn off Twitter alerts on your phone. This is because data is still being sent to your phone through your actual internet connection even if your phone’s VPN malfunctions or you forget to switch it on even when you’re not visiting Twitter. This implies that Twitter is aware of your real IP address. 
  5. Make it a habit to always log out of Twitter after using it. 
  6. Avoid giving Twitter your phone number.

How do I stalk Private Twitter Accounts?


You may see content from a private Twitter account in one of three ways highlighted below: 

1. By following a private account


Sending a follow request to the individual is most effective because Twitter’s privacy policy forbids anyone other than followers from accessing private tweets from a private account. 

You must wait for the other person to approve your request before you can readily observe their activity after you submit it. 

However, there’s a significant probability your desired follower won’t agree to do so. Here are some other options for you.

2. Google Search Cache


You can read someone’s tweets via Google if they have their cache enabled, as cached tweets from Google searches are permitted to display on Google pictures. 

The main reasons why people enable Google cache are to increase their searchability, expand their readership, and increase their fan base. 

Through Google image search, you may locate a tweet using a person, a place that could have been referenced in the tweet, a keyword, or any links that they may have provided. 

To visit a private account on Google, follow these steps: 

  • visit the homepage of Google.
  • Enter the ‘Twitter _name_’ of the person whose tweets you’re looking for in the search field. 
  • To discover tweets or accounts that are accessible, choose the image search option. 

3. Using online resources


Many online third-party programs may allow you to view a private Twitter account. You can try these tools yourself, but there is no guarantee that they will work properly. 

Don’t get your hopes up, but you might be able to look into someone else’s private Twitter account using programs like Crowd flare and Login note. 

Remember that these applications are only seeking to use Twitter’s flaws to expose someone’s private Twitter accounts.



Definitely by now’ you must have learnt how to bypass Twitter age restriction. Do you have further questions? Feel free to use the comment box below. Also refer to our related articles for more social media guide.