How Long Does It Take To Receive Money From Zelle? Find Out

Do you have problems receiving money with Zelle hence you are asking “how long does it take to receive money from Zelle?” Read this piece of blog post that has answered this question and has the solution to your problem. 

Before you set out to use the services of Zelle, it is important to know how long it takes to receive money with Zelle. This is to prepare you beforehand. Also, if someone claims to have sent you money with Zelle and you have not received it, asking how long does it take to receive money from Zelle is also pertinent. This article has the answer that you have been looking for. So read with me. 

How To Send Money With Zelle


To send money with Zelle, access Zelle either through the Zelle mobile app or your bank, and click on Send money. Select the recipient and enter their email address or US phone number. Enter the amount you want to send and click Send. 

How To Receive Money From Zelle


If you already have a Zelle account, the money will be added to your account immediately. If not then click on the link in the notification of payment sent to you.

Select your bank or Credit Union and follow the prompts to enroll with Zelle. After which you will receive the money. Now how long does it take to receive money from Zelle? See the answer below. 

How Long Does It Take To Receive Money From Zelle?


Asking “how long does it take to receive money from Zelle” is very important. Now here is the answer that you seek. 

It takes just a few minutes to receive money sent with Zelle. If you sent the money by inputting the correct information, the recipient would get the money within a few minutes. 

How Long Does It Take To Receive Money From Zelle On My Bank App?


If you are sending money with Zelle through the mobile app of your bank or the online banking center, the recipient would also receive the money in a few minutes. That is, no matter the medium through which the money was sent, in as much as it was sent using the services of Zelle Pay, the money will be received in minutes. 

There is however an exception to this, as there might be some delays if the person does not have a Zelle account. So how long will it take for such a person to receive money from Zelle? See it in the next paragraph. 

How Long Does It Take To Receive Money From Zelle If I Don’t Have A Zelle Account?


As we started earlier, you would not receive your money in minutes if you do not have a Zelle account. What happens in a situation where money is sent to you and you don’t have a Zelle account is this. You will get a notification either through an email or a text showing that money has been sent to you. 

The notification will then prompt you to enroll with Zelle to receive the money. Enrollment is not difficult and usually does not take a long time. I will show you how to enroll with Zelle below. 

After enrolling, it will take about 1 to 3 business days to receive the money that was sent to you with Zelle. This happens with just the first payment as subsequent Zelle payments will arrive in minutes.

It takes 1 to 3 business days to receive money sent with Zelle for a new user because of security features designed by Zelle to protect the sending and receiving of money with the services of the payment application (Zelle). 

How To Enroll For Zelle


Enrolling with Zelle is as simple as anything in the world. You can do it in two ways. You can enroll through your bank (if it is a participating bank) using their mobile app or online banking center or through the Zelle mobile app. 

How To Enroll With Zelle Through Your Bank


To enroll with Zelle on your bank’s mobile app or online banking center, take the following steps. 

  • Log in to your bank account using the app or by visiting the online banking center. 
  • Click on Send and then on Send Money With Zelle. 
  • Follow the prompts to enroll by entering your email address or phone number and any other information that may be required by your bank to complete the process. 

How To Enroll With Zelle On The Zelle App


If your bank is not one of the Zelle participating banks or you do not want to enroll through your bank, then you can take the following steps to enroll with Zelle. 

  • Download the Zelle mobile app from your play store for Android or App Store for iOS devices. 
  • Launch the app and enroll by entering your basic contact information. 
  • Enter your email address and your Valid US phone number
  • Enter the information of a MasterCard or a Visa debit card with a US-based account. 
  • Click sign up to complete the process. 

After doing this, the money that was earlier sent to you will be received within 1 to 3 business days. And subsequent payments will be received instantly or in a few minutes. 

Why Haven’t I Received My Money From Zelle? 


If you sent money to someone or someone sent money to you and after about 3 days you have not received the money, then one of the following could be the reasons. 

You Have Not Enrolled Yet


The first probable reason why you have not received your money is that you do not have a Zelle account. If that is the case, take the steps and method explained above to enroll for Zelle.

After doing this, the answer to “how long does it take to receive money from Zelle” will be within 1 to 3 business days. 

Wrong Email Or Phone Number 


Another reason why you might not have received the money that was sent to you with Zelle is if the sender entered the wrong email address or phone number at the time of sending the money.

Looking at the steps on how to send money with Zelle at the beginning of this post, you will see that email address and phone number are requirements. Therefore wrong email and phone numbers could result in the diversion of funds. 

Poor Connection


Poor internet connection can also be a reason why you have not received your Zelle payment. 

Zelle Server Issue


Although this does not happen often, when there are some issues with the Zelle server, there is likely going to be a delay in receiving payments. There is nothing you can do about it so wait for some time and check again. 

If you have confirmed that any of the above reasons are not the reason why you have not received your Zelle payment, then you can contact the Zelle customer care center. 

How To Contact The Zelle Customer Care Center


The answer to “How long does it take to receive money from Zelle” is within a few minutes or 2 to 3 business days for a new user. Failure to receive within this stipulated time frame contact customer care on 844-428-8542 or

I Sent Money To Someone And They Never Received It. What Should I Do?


If you send money to someone and it’s been days without the person receiving the funds, the first thing to do is to check the payment status. This is done by going through your Zelle payment activity on your bank’s mobile app, online banking center, or the Zelle App. 

If you check the payment status and it shows that the payment is pending, then it means that the recipient has not enrolled with Zelle to receive money. Use the steps above to register with Zelle. 



Now that you have a concrete answer to “how long does it take to receive money with Zelle”, you can go ahead with sending and receiving money easily.