Can You Get Cash Back With Apple Pay? Find Out

One of the most frequent questions we have got in the past few weeks, is “can you get cash back with Apple Pay?” Apple users really want to know if it’s true that they can get some cash rewards anytime they make payments or purchases with their apple pay wallet.

If you have ever had the experience of going to shopping and forgetting your debit card, then you would understand how frustrating it may be. But with the help of Apple Pay, you would not have to be moving with your debit card anywhere you are going, as you can connect your debit card, credit card, and other forms of cards, with the apple pay, and can easily make payments anywhere, using your iPhone or Apple watch.

Aside making payments easier for you, there seems to be other benefits to get while using the Apple Pay. Some people have claimed that you can even get cash back any time you make payments using your Apple Pay wallet. That is, Apple Pay gives you back some amount of money anytime you complete any transaction on your apple pay wallet. This means that you can even be making extra cash by just using the apple pay for your daily transactions and expenses.

In this, many of our readers have been asking several questions to confirm how reliable the claim is; questions like: “can you get cashback with apple pay?” “can you get cashback with apple pay on phone?” Can you get cash back with apple pay at stores?” Can you take cash out of apple pay?” However, we are going to address all these in this article; but before we continue, lets first of all throw a little light on what Apple Pay is all about.

What Is Apple Pay?


Before we address the question, “Can You Get Cash Back With Apple Pay?”, Let’s first of all understand what Apple Pay is all about.

 Apple Pay is a kind of digital or virtual wallet or payment technology that was developed by Apple Inc, which allows you to pay for products and services either in person or online using your iOS devices.

The apple pay makes it possible for you to connect your debit card with the apple pay digital wallet, and be able to make payments anywhere you are, without needing your physical wallet or debit card.

Aside your debit card, you can also use apple pay to store your credit card, bank cards, membership cards, boarding passes, airline tickets, concert tickets, loyalty membership cards and similar digital documents on your iPhone, iPad, or any compatible device.

When Was Apple Pay Launched?


Apple Pay was launched in 2014 by Apple Inc, and since then has grown to be a very popular virtual payment system especially in the US. Majority of people that love shopping has now fallen in love with apple pay, as apple pay has become their major payment system that helps them go cashless.

Using Apple Pay


Basically, apple pay is known by many people only as a virtual payment system for shopping; paying for goods bought in stores or meals you bought in restaurants. But apple pay can also be used to send and receive money from friends, family members, business associates and so on. 

How To Set Up Apple Pay


Before we answer the question “Can You Get Cash Back With Apple Pay?”, Let’s talk about how how set up apple pay. For you to start using apple pay for your transactions, you must have to set it up first. Setting up Apple Pay is simple and can be done in just a few easy steps, and once it’s complete you can pay online or in-store with your iPhone, Apple Watch or any compatible device. 

To set up apple pay, you must have to first of all connect your physical cards with it. You must have to connect the particular card you want to be using for payments, with the apple pay wallet; these could be your debit card, credit card, and so on.

You would need to verify that your credit card is eligible to be connected with Apple Pay. You can do this by reviewing the card issuers that partner with Apple Pay. And there are many card issuers that partner with apple pay, card issuers like: American Express, Chase, and so on.

Before you think of connecting your credit card with Apple Pay, you would have to check if your device is compatible. Apple Pay can only work on Apple devices and some other compatible devices like: eligible iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches or Macs. Some older models, like the iPhone 5s, are not compatible. Also, you would need to download the latest version of iOS, watchOS or macOS; depending on the device you are using. 

How To Connect Credit Card With Apple Pay


Having known that you can go cardless with the help of apple pay, I know what may be ringing in your mind now is how to set up apple pay. Setting up apple pay simply means adding your debit, credit, or prepaid card to the apple pay wallet on your iPhone, apple watch or any other device that support apple pay.

To do this, you may need a compatible device like iPhone, and son; with the latest version of iOS or iPadOS, watchOS, or macOS. You may aslo need a supported card from a participating card issuer, an Apple ID signed in to iCloud.

There are two options while connecting your credit card to apple pay; it’s either you are connecting with a new card or you are connecting with a previous card. However, let’s address two of the options. 

Adding A New Card


To connect a new card to your apple pay wallet, you may follow the steps below:

  • Open the apple pay wallet.
  • Click on Add button.
  • Select either Debit card or Credit Card.
  • Click on continue
  • Choose your bank or card issuer from the available list.
  • Verify your information with your bank or card issuer. They might ask you to provide additional information or to download an app before approving your card for use with Apple Pay.

Adding A Previous Card


  • Open your apple pay wallet
  • Add button
  • Click on Previous Cards, then you will see cards that you previously added to the Wallet app.
  • Select the particular card that you want to add
  • Click Continue.
  • Verify your information with your bank or card issuer. 

Can You Get Cash Back With Apple Pay?


The answer is yes, you can get cash back with apple pay. It’s really interesting hearing that you can make some money even while you pay for your daily expenses, using the apple pay.

To clear this doubt so far, we want to make it obvious to everyone especially our readers that you can get cash back any time you use apple pay to make any form of payments. I know it sounds great to receive some amount of money back when making purchases, but that is the fact.

Every time you use your Apple Card, you will always be given a cashback. You can always see this cash back in your digital Apple Cash card in the apple wallet app. 

What Can I Use Apple Pay Cash Back For?


The apple pay cash back is not an audio money, it is very real and you can use it the same way you use your normal funds. You can use the apple pay cash back to pay for your purchases and services, make credit card payments.

can you get cashback with apple pay

The interesting thing is that the apple pay cash back is withdrawable, this means that you can even decide to withdraw the cash back directly to your local bank account. 

The apple pay cash back is not like a reward, it is a very real cash and it never expires or loses its value. Your cash is deposited right onto your Apple Cash card in the Wallet app, everyday you make transactions on the apple pay wallet.

Criteria For Getting Apple Pay Cash Back


Now that we have addressed the question, “Can You Get Cash Back With Apple Pay?”, Let’s unveil the secrets to getting apple pay cash back.

Having your cards connected with the apple pay is never a guarantee that you will get apple pay cash back. There are some things you need to note that will guarantee your apple pay cash back.

Shops that give cash back


Whether you will get apple pay cash back on your shopping depends on if the shop gives cash back or not. While some shops give cash back on apple purchases, there are some shops that don’t give cash back.

So you will need to check out whether the shop you want to use your apple pay gives cash back or not. To find out if the store gives you Apple Pay cash back, you need to visit or contact this particular store and ask.

Cards That Give Cash Back


For you to get apple pay cash back, you must use any of the card issuers that give cash back. So whenever you are paying for goods and services using the apple pay, you should try to check for some of the cards that you have connected with apple pay, use the ones that give cash back.

If the card you are using gives cash back bonus, you will definitely get apple pay cash back anytime make payments or purchases with it, regardless of whether you used the physical, plastic card, or the virtual card stored on your iPhone in ApplePay wallet.

One of such cards that gives cash back is the Apple Card. Apple card is a well-known credit card brand that gives you more cash back when used within Apple Pay than when used as a physical card.

When you use the physical titanium card to pay, you get 1% back, but if you pay with your iPhone using the Apple Card on Apple Pay, you get 2% cash back. If you use it in an Apple Store, then you get 3%.

How Much Cash Back Can I get From Apple Pay?


The amount you can get on apple cash back depends on the type of card or the shop you make purchases from. This is because different brands of cards may give different amount as cash back; just as different shops may give different amount as cash back.

For example: the apple credit card gives 2% cash back every time you use your Apple Card with Apple Pay. If the retailer doesn’t accept Apple Pay, you’ll only get 1% back. It also gives 3% cash back on any purchases made with Apple; and 1% cash back on all other purchases.

How Can I Get Apple Pay Cash Back?


There is no other magic ways to getting apple pay cash back, to get the cash back, you would have to connect card brands that give cash back with the apple pay, and always make payments or purchases using this card in your apple pay wallet. To get apple pay Cash back from any shop, you will also need to verify if the shop gives Cash back on payments or purchases with apple pay.

Where You Can Use Apple Pay


Now that you have connected your debit card with apple pay, I know you are now set to making payments using the apple pay. The question you may have in mind now is “where to use apple pay?”  There are many places you can use apple pay, in fact you can use apple pay in any place that accepts contactless payments.

Always look out to know if you can see contactless symbol or apple pay symbol; anywhere you see any of these symbols, just know that they will definitely accept payments with apple pay.

There are several hundreds of thousands of stores and restaurants worldwide that accept apple pay. Over 755% of stores and restaurants in the US, over 85% in UK, 99% IN Australia accept Apple Pay 

Can I Shop Online With Apple Pay?


Yes, just the way you shop offline and pay with your apple pay wallet, you can also make purchases online and pay with the apple pay. 

However, it may be nice to know that this will only be possible on online shops that accept Apple pay as payment option. So while shopping online, you may always check to know if the particular online shop has apple pay as payment option or not.

Can I Get Cash Back Whenever I Shop Online Using Apple Pay?


Yes, you will always get cash back anytime you shop online and make payments with your apple pay wallet. However, this will be possible only if the card brand you used gives cash back.