Solution To “Contact Names Not Showing In Messages On Android And iPhone

This blog post will provide you with solution to contact names not showing in messages on android and iPhone. If you have been facing this annoying challenges of not seeing contact names on your andriod phone or iPhone. Definitely this article will be very helpful to you, as we have gotten a solution to it.

Recently, we discovered that so many people are desperately searching for how to fix contact names not showing in messages on android? While those that doesn’t use andriod, are also asking for the solution to contact names not showing in messages on iPhone?

Well, the good news is that’ we have provided you guys with a step by step guide to permanently resolve or fix it. As we believe that the issue is obviously from your end, so you don’t need to visit any computer center for your contact names to start showing in messages.

The pure truth is that’ this could be as a result of using a third party messaging app, or phone contacts not being synced with your Google account. So, to resolve this” you will have to cleared the cache and local storage for the text app and it fixed it.

Contact Names Not Showing In Messages On Android And iPhone


If you have tried clearing your local storage and cache, yet to no avail. I want you to know that, it’s not the end of the road to not seeing contact names in messages” please don’t panic. Follow the guidelines below to fix it permanently.

Please read carefully and follow instructions as stated here. This guildlines is 100% guaranteed, and it works for everyone.

How To Fix Contact Names Not Showing In Messages On Android


  • First of all, go to Andriod settings
  • Navigate Account
  • Click Google
  • Go ahead and Click Contact Sync, ensure that you enable it.
  • Finally, go to your contacts settings and check if there’s any settings of disable contacts on messages
  • It yes, make sure you enable all contacts.

That’s all, I hope the above method work for you? It definitely should. Please remember what I earlier told you guys, follow the guidelines as instructed here.

Why Saved Contact Names Not Showing In Messages On Android And iPhone?


I know that you would like to know the reason why your contacts aren’t showing in messages.

Solution To Contact Names Not Showing In Messages On Android And iPhone

Probably to avoid anything that must have caused it in feature.

  • Updating Of Andriod Version

This issue mostly ocure whenever you update your andriod phone Version. After our Investigations, we noticed that so many people are face this challenges immidiatly after updating their andriod version.

But that shouldn’t stop you from updating your phone version. As long as you have synced your phone contacts with your Google account? I bet it won’t repeat again after updating your phone version.

  • Phone Factory Reset

I believe you know what phone factory reset means? This is clearing all your phone data. Including the contacts stored in the phone.

Whenever a phone factory reset take place. You are likely to loose all the stored contacts, and this will result to contact names not showing in messages.

In a situation like this? You will have to save the contact names again, and definitely everything will start work fine.

  • Using Third Party Messaging App

Are you using any of the messaging apps? If yes, there’s every tendency that it’s the reason you have not been seeing the contact names in messages.

So, to resolve this issue’ you will have to uninstall the app or go the app setting and check if there’s anything like enable or disable contact message name.

  • Virus

Whenever a virus inflict in your andriod phone, there’s every possiblity of causing contact name not showing in messages on andriod.

So, if you notice any virus signal in your phone. You will have to format it, and make sure everything is working perfectly again.



At this point, I will drop my pen. Hoping that you have seen the some of the things that’s causing contact names not showing in messages.

Arguably, I believe you have also learned the solution to contact names not showing in messages on android and iPhone.

If  you have further questions, please feel free to use the comment box below to to reach out to us, we will be glad to assist you further.

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