iphone Lock Screen Settings – iPhone 7, 8, 10, 12 Lock Screen Settings

If you’re here right now, it simply means that you are among those searching for iphone lock screen settings. Well, the good news is that we have provided you guys with information on iphone 7, 8, 10, 12 lock screen settings. If you want to customize your iPhone or iPad lock screen in such an outstanding way. Then, this tutorial will show you how to easily do it, in a twinkle of an eye.

With its Outstanding features that is being update often and on, you can actually set your iPhone lock screen’ in a way no one will ever tamper with your phone. Just as I said earlier, it’s very easy and doesn’t require external hands” following this guilde, you will achieve it so easily. Carefully read the guidelines below;

iphone Lock Screen Settings


  • First of all, open the Settings app on your iPad or iPhone.
  • Select Notifications, and you’ll see a list of every app on your iPhone. Select the app for which you want to turn off lock screen notifications.
  • On the resulting screen, tap on the Lock Screen, and a blue checkmark under the phone icon will disappear.
  • While that will solve most of your problems, it might not be the most viable solution; some apps will allow you to customize how the notifications look.
  • For example, you can turn off message previews on Messages. This might be all you need, and not turning off the notifications altogether.

iPhone 7, 8, 10, 12 Lock Screen Settings


Excluding from the above method, there’s another way of customizing or setting up your iPhone lock screen with outstanding features. Check it out believe;


  • The first step to take whenever you want to set your iPhone lock screen is ti “open the Settings App.

iphone Lock Screen Settings - iPhone 7, 8, 10, 12 Lock Screen Settings

  • Click Face ID & Passcode or Touch ID & Passcod.
  • Enter your Passcode.

  • Scroll down to Allow Access When Locked.
  • Toggle on all the features you want access to from your iPhone’s Lock screen.
  • Toggle off any features you want to keep private.

That’s all, very easy right? Ohh yeah, hopefully you have learnt everything about iphone lock screen settings?

Feel free to use the comment box below to ask questions, if you need further explanation on how to set your iPad or iPhone lock screen.

Also don’t forget to share with friends on social media, we will appreciate your feedback after trying this out.

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