
5 Best Fake Google Pay Payment Screenshot Generator Tools

In the article, we are going to look into the issue of a mobile wallet (Google pay), if there is a fake Google pay payment screenshot generator tool, how it works, how fraudsters generate them and use for fraudulent activities, and why you should not attempt to use it 


In a digital world like ours today, a lot of people have attempted to discover a way around the system. This happens especially in the finance industry, attempts to get illegal access to other people’s financial information have been alarming. 

What Is Google Pay And How Is It Used?



Google pay is a digital wallet that is used for certain transactions, the app is directly associated with your Google account as it helps in carrying out peer-to-peer payment activities. 

The mobile application can be used to send or request money from your friends and other stuff which includes online payments, contactless payments in stores, peer-to-peer money transactions and even in-app purchases.

Fake Google Pay Payment Screenshot Generator Tools


Is there a way of generating fake Google pay payment receipts? What are the applications that make this process possible? You’re going to learn about all that in this particular segment of the article 


A high percentage of people are not aware that there is a way to create a fake google pay payment screenshot and that is the reason why most of these people end up getting scammed at the end of the day. 

Fake Google Pay Payment Screenshot Generator

We have done our research and gathered some fake google pay payment screenshot generators for you. 

  • Fake pay.
  • Prank payment.
  • Fake payment screenshot maker
  • Spoof Google pay APK app

We are going to show you guys how to use any of the above listed Google pay payment screenshot generator tool, so that’ it won’t be difficult for you to access any of them.

Fake Pay


Fake pay is an application that is available for download on some websites on the web, this application can be used to generate fake google pay payment screenshots without having knowledge about designing or editing.

All you are required to do after you have downloaded and installed the app is to input the details of the receipt. Be aware that there are the details that would be displayed on the fake google pay payment screenshot. After you have successfully done all of these, just submit them and your fake payment screenshot will be automatically generated for you.

Prank Payment


Another available tool for generating a fake google pay payment screenshot is an application called prank payment. The process in using this app is similar to fake pay procedures, you will need to search for the name of the application online. 

The search engine will display lists of websites where you can download the application from, click on any one of your choice and follow the steps to download. After you must have successfully downloaded the application, all you need to do is install and create your fake payment screenshot.

This app will also ask you to provide the details of the screenshot, which includes the name, address, transaction id, date, time and the bank account information of the receiver.

Although, this particular app is mostly used by people to prank their friends or play tricks on them just for the fun of it.

Fake Payment Screenshot Maker


I personally checked out this application online myself, it’s a really cool application which can easily generate fake google pay payment screenshots for you to prank your friends. I don’t recommend using the app for other purposes because you might get yourself in big trouble if you do. 

How do you navigate through fake payment screenshot maker? This app is absolutely user friendly and can be used even by a little kid. You don’t need to stress yourself as the application will direct you on what to do in order to generate the fake payment receipt.

Spoof Google Pay Apk App 


Spoof generally means something that is fake or done in order to trick or deceive someone. From that expression you should be able to understand that Spoof Google pay is definitely an application used for generating fake payment screenshots.

Fake Google Pay Payment Screenshot Generator

The app can be downloaded on some nulled websites online, it enables you to quickly generate fake payment receipts with few steps. Just download it and follow the procedures in the app.

NOTE: we are not trying to hide the fact that the following applications are not acceptable on the internet. Infact, the aforementioned mobile applications are illegally allowed, this is why you can only download them on websites, they are certainly not available on the official play store. 

How To Dictate If A Google Pay Payment Screenshot Is Real Or Fake


  • No notification for confirmation.
  • Checking your transaction balance and history.
  • Check the fonts and color match.  

Now, let’s quickly discuss the above listed information that proves that’ the Google pay payment screenshot is fake or not.

> No notification for confirmation


Definitely if you have received an amount of money, a notification ought to pop up above your screen to confirm the payment, if you do not see this then you should know the screenshot you got is a fake Google pay payment receipt.

> Checking your transaction balance and history


With the information in your account balance and transaction history, you should be able to tell whether a payment is real or fake.

>Check the fonts and color match


To be honest here, you can easily detect a screenshot that was created by a fake google pay payment screenshot generator or tool. You know why? Because there would be a clear and obvious difference in an edited payment receipt, the color and font might tally with one another.

However, when you notice any of these signs, you have instantly detected a fake Google pay payment screenshot. The next step to take is to follow the procedures we mentioned above, just check your transaction balance and history for final confirmation.

Reasons Not To Use Fake Google Pay Payment Screenshot Generator


There are several dangerous risks you might encounter if you decide to use a fake Google pay payment screenshot generator, even if you want to use it for just a mere prank on others.

  1. The first risk bound to this is that there is no security for those applications. It simply means that if you use these apps on your mobile device, you are at a high risk of revealing your private information to fraudsters. 

Nonetheless, you might no longer be secure as fraudsters can have access to your details via the backends of the fake Google pay payment screenshot generator you installed on your mobile phone.

  1. The second risk is that you might get arrested if caught using the application for illegal activities. This would result in some serious punishment by high authorities or getting fined. I know you would not also want to go to jail for using a fake app, no, we won’t want that for our readers. Kindly desist from using such apps for your own safety. Thank you. ?

How To Make Fake Google Pay Payment Screenshot – Video Guide




After seeing the 5 best fake Google pay payment generator tools, I hope you also learnt some of the reasons you are advised not to use fake Google pay screenshot? Cool, also check our related articles for more guide.